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The Plastic People of the Universe 宇宙膠人

捷克有支樂隊叫”The Plastic People of the Universe”,譯成中文就是「宇宙膠人」。他們有首歌的歌詞翻譯成英文是這樣的--千萬別問我捷克文,我他媽也不懂:

They’re afraid of the old for their memory.
They’re afraid of the young for their ideas – ideals.
They’re afraid of funerals – of flowers – of workers –
of churches – of party members – of good times.
They’re afraid of art – they’re afraid of art.
They’re afraid of language – communication.
They’re afraid of theater.
They’re afraid of film – of Pasolini – of God/dard.
of painters – of musicians – of stones and sculptors.

They’re afraid.
They’re afraid of radio stations.
They’re afraid of technology, free float form of information.
Paris Match – Telex – Guttenburg – Xerox – IBM – wave lengths.
They’re afraid of telephones.
They’re afraid.
They’re afraid to let the people in.
They’re afraid to let the people out.
They’re afraid of the left.
They’re afraid of the right.
They’re afraid of the sudden departure of Soviet troops – of change in Moscow –
of facing the strange – of spies – of counterspies.
They’re afraid.
They’re afraid of their own police.
They’re afraid of guitar players.
They’re afraid of athletes – of Olympics – of the Olympic spirit – of saints –
of the innocence of children.
They’re afraid.
They’re afraid of political prisoners.
They’re afraid of prisoners families – of conscience – of science.
They’re afraid of the future.
They’re afraid of tomorrow’s morning.
They’re afraid of tomorrow’s evening.
They’re afraid of tomorrow.
They’re afraid of the future.
They’re afraid of stratocasters – of telecasters.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll.
What does he mean, even rock bands? Even rock bands?
Rock bands more than anybody else suffer from political repression.
They’re afraid.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll – of telecasters – of stratocasters
– of old age – in the streets – behind the locked doors.
They’re afraid of what they’ve written – of what they’ve said –
of fire – of water – of wind – of slow – of snow – of love – excretion.
They’re afraid of noise – of peace – of silence – of grief – of joy – of language
– of laughter – of pornography – of honest and upright – they’re uptight.

They’re afraid of lone and learn and learned people.
They’re afraid of human rights and Karl Marx and raw power.
They’re afraid of socialism.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll.
They’re afraid of rock ‘n’ roll.

And why the hell are we afraid of them?








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14 years ago

[公牛擠奶] 宇宙膠人: 捷克有支樂隊叫”The Plastic People of the Universe”,譯成中文就是「宇宙膠人」。他們有首歌的歌詞翻譯成英文是這樣的:
They&#8217.. http://bit.ly/f9vFI

12 years ago

捷克共產政權的倒台除了有最近逝世的哈維爾的一份功勞,也和一個叫做「宇宙膠人」的樂隊有關 http://t.co/yGQMAuaY

12 years ago

捷克共產政權的倒台除了有最近逝世的哈維爾的一份功勞,也和一個叫做「宇宙膠人」的樂隊有關 http://t.co/yGQMAuaY

12 years ago

捷克共產政權的倒台除了有最近逝世的哈維爾的一份功勞,也和一個叫做「宇宙膠人」的樂隊有關 http://t.co/yGQMAuaY

12 years ago

捷克共產政權的倒台除了有最近逝世的哈維爾的一份功勞,也和一個叫做「宇宙膠人」的樂隊有關 http://t.co/yGQMAuaY

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